
Save money by purchasing multiple med searches

One Search


Three Searches


Six Searches


Got questions? We have the answers

Sign up, choose a plan, and we’ll search for pharmacies with your medication in stock. You can buy one, three, or six searches and use them anytime.

Searches take 2–48 hours. A rush search within 24 hours costs an extra $35.

We aim for pharmacies within a 10-mile radius. Expanding your radius improves your chances.

If your meds are unavailable, we’ll restart the search for free as long as you tried to pick them up promptly.

No. You only pay for searches upfront—no recurring fees.

No, they stay valid until you need them.

You’ll get a refund or can save the search for later.

Searches start at $30. See our pricing page for details.

The doctor signs up by entering a few simple details

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